Pioneer Square Vignette № 4.A wealthy White neighbor made a derogatory remark about homeless people a couple of years ago and I’ve never gotten over it. So here I go….Apr 26, 2022Apr 26, 2022
Pioneer Square Vignette № 3.While walking Friedrich, Will and I saw a woman in distress fall in a crosswalk and stopped to help her. Monday April 11, 2022.Apr 19, 2022Apr 19, 2022
Pioneer Square Vignette № 2.I decided to go out for lunch one day last week instead of holing up in the loft. Wednesday April 6, 2022.Apr 10, 2022Apr 10, 2022
Pioneer Square Vignette № 1.On our way home on the 24 after foraging nettles in Discovery Park. April 3, 2022 at around 7:00 p.m.Apr 4, 2022Apr 4, 2022
If I Were Ukrainian.Bourbon passed my lips and warmed my chest as I looked down across the Emerald City at night and wondered what I would see if this were not…Apr 3, 2022Apr 3, 2022
Helping Gavin.Saturday February 19, 2022 at 4:52 p.m. Downtown Seattle at the corner of 4th and Marion.Mar 6, 2022Mar 6, 2022
Slouching towards madmen.Two male bodies moving in unison up and down, one of them half naked: it felt almost like walking in on a rape. I felt embarrassed, then…Feb 20, 2022Feb 20, 2022
Shorebird song.Shorebird, pick me an oyster on the rocky coast. Find me a mollusk. Kick me some sand. Orange bill jutting from a charcoal head like a…Jan 29, 2021Jan 29, 2021
America the Beautiful, America the Abuser, America the Abused.On Wednesday, America tried to leave her abuser. While I watched our national horror unfold, I felt triggered. Triggered because I have…Jan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021
Seventeen YearsThe floor was warped but he tried to fix it. He was always fixing things for me. Kneeling over a hole in the floor, squatting next to a…Sep 7, 2020Sep 7, 2020